Friday, July 25, 2008

Importance of Physical Appearance in Indian Woman

Hola Ladies! Just today I was discussing with one of my colleagues who is an American born and raised Asian woman about how there is a significant difference in the mindset of a child who grows up in America V/S mindset of a child who grows up in India.

Growing up in India, though I have always been on the book wormish side, I was always aware of the importance of physical appearance and beauty. Nevertheless, those were the days of Miss Universe and Miss World titles being awarded to Indian beauties. So there was a big pool of cosmetic companies flooding Indian markets with their beauty products even down in the remotest villages of Maharashtra or probably even Rajasthan, Bihar. So I cannot dare to say that there was no awareness about the importance of physical appearance at all.

But if I think about it, I actually grew up a totally different society and culture. My mother, teacher, aunt or neighbor weren’t so devoted to beauty or minded about their appearances. Certainly not to the extent of how much an American woman of the same age might be. Though this has been significantly changed in India with changing times and changing economy, for some reason I tend to think that the focus of an average Indian woman is and has been always her family, kids and even her career. If she is lucky enough and aware / careful enough to sneak some time, she definitely manages to do her regular daily make-up, regular routines for her skin etc. I still don’t think she is willing to invest and utilize as much time and money in looks as her American counterpart is. I mean do you think the number of American women who have laser hair treatments, Botox injections, liposuction, breast enhancements; etc is comparable to Indian women?
Obviously money factor also plays an important role in forming the attitude. But hey, everyone from janitors to waitresses is more ‘appearance’ frenzy here compared to folks back home.

I guess my point here is not that an Indian woman is not aware, is foolish and stupid etc etc. All I meant to say is that they have a different mindset altogether. But of course there is this whole genre and generation of Indian women who is more aware and more willing to care about her physical appearance; but what is the percentage of this class compared to the rest?

Here I am travelling in a Subway and I see this 70+ old American woman who is all made up fine, has perfectly matching sandals and bag, her hands manicured and hair highlighted. Now, certainly not a sight in India.

I may be wrong, but these are just my views. Please let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

i agree with u that the indian woman is not foolish not to know about the latest makeup trends n beauty....but she definitely does not spend money on surgury to get a facelift....and the primay reason for that is taht she belongs to an indian society where there is security...i mean she is not scared that tomm if she gets a few wrinkles, her hubby will run after someone else......and hence she is more secure and in a loved environemnt...n hence she is able to focus on her children n bring them up well giving them good education, values et all. The result of this is that the indian society in general is much much better compared to the west....n does not subject its women to insecurity and torture!

arr said...

I believe that prev generations Women didnot have much say in decisions pertaining to even important family matters much less in matters concerning their physical beauty........ with financial liberation that has come with most women entering workforce, the beauty consciouness is gonna only increase...ofcourse its def not on par with what we see here in the developed countries but when i juxtapose the importance my mother and my sister attribute to looks i am inclined to say that there is no comparison.. just my $0.02