Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Keep moving

A continuous swirling machine of time… Days to come and go…Like a bus that goes from start to finish and people that hop on and hop off?…Places you see and stay at and then move on; jobs that you do and workplaces that you go to…one after the other its comes at you. You flow with it for some time, make some memories and then carry on. Sometimes it is difficult to move on from a place, person or time; sometimes you are yearning to run to the next one. Phase after phase, from school to old age home, life takes us places. Like the puppets of a show, so little control we have over the things that happen to us. Like they say, life is what happens to you while you are busy planning it?

Once in a while you are tired of this churning. Sometimes you feel left behind, sometimes burnt; sometimes hurt; many times tired. But hopefully for most of us we break through and keep moving; unknowingly.

To all of us who keep moving indefinitely and unknowingly to an unknown destination, I would just like to remind you, you are doing a great job. Playing your part in this theatre full of drama is not so easy. So cheers for making it so far and good luck for the rest of your journey. Make sure you keep moving…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree babes....yes it is like a drama n that we are a part of it....what we need to keep in mind is that all the trials n tribulations that we go through is what this entire life what it is....so even though we are just a speck in it, we are very veyr important...so yes as you said congrats for all of us who have reached so far n keep moving!....its the only option!